• admin@ehawza.com
  • Sydney: Wed 23 October, 2024 - 03:15 AM (18 Rabi‘ al-akhir 1446)

Why choose Us.

eHawza is committed to provide all Islamic sciences in plain English yet scholarly style in the comfort of your home wherever in the world you may be. With eHawza you can meet your lecturer live whenever necessary. With over two decades of experience ‘we are committed to quality and respond fast.’

What we Do.

We strive to train practicing scholars. eHawza College has thus far reached out to over 23 countries. Our graduates are trained Islamic teachers, public speakers and assisting Imams.

Our Mission & Vision.

We aspire to develop an enriched learning community promoting academic achievement, leadership and Islamic values. To build and maintain a learned community that produces successful Muslims through faith, knowledge and inspiration.


E Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of the Almighty and the unlimited effort of all brothers and sisters involved at the Imam Husain Islamic Centre in Sydney, eHawza is finally available online with many new features.

eHawza is a not-for profit electronic Hawza (Islamic Seminary) program. It utillises modern technology to deliver Islamic Studies all around the world in plain English.

Traditionally, a student wishing to pursue higher Islamic study would have to travel to somewhere in the Middle East to join an Islamic Seminary. Islamic learning has predominantly been accessible in the Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu languages in countries most of us cannot visit or stay for long. In this age of technology, eHawza delivers a content-rich Hawza study with the touch of a button at your fingertips. As long as you have internet connection eHawza is with you. Expand your horizons in Islamic Studies in the comfort zone of your choice at your own pace and meet your lecturer live when necessary.

With eHawza you do not need to worry about issues such as travel and matching your timetables to your work hours. You don`t need to worry about missing an important point during a lecture. You can always replay the lectures and listen to them as many times as you wish. Thus, the lecturers and the study materials are always available for your convenience in your own time and place.

eHawza programs currently consist of three levels of education:
Single Courses